
Led Receiver Card LINSN RV908M32

56 USD

en Stock


RV908M32 receiving card is the upgraded version of RV908T, RV908H receiving card. Nowadays, more and more LED panels are 1/32 duty, which RV908T and RV908H don’t support. Hence, LINSN develops RV908M32, which completely supports all standard LED modules with 1/32 scan.It is really hot now

Categoria: Led Receiver Card


Features of RV908M32 LED Receiving Card with On-board Monitoring Function: RV908M32 receiving card is the upgraded version of RV908T. RV908H receiving card. Nowadays, more and more LED panels are 1/32 duty, which RV908T and RV908H don’t support. Hence, LINSN develops RV908M32, which completely supports all standard LED modules with 1/32 scan.It is really hot now.

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